8 Dec 2022
News // November 2022
It’s been another full quarter for Novō! We’re so thankful to each of you…
Philippians 3:13-14
As we move into the winter months here in Bolivia, temperatures have dropped and, for now, the rains have stopped. Sadly, a third wave of COVID is moving through the country – the worse so far – and there is a significant shortage of oxygen.
There are, however, encouragements as the COVID vaccination programme continues, albeit falteringly. This week, those in their 40s were called, though with a median population age of just 26 years (compared to around 40 in the UK, US, and Canada), still only 10% of the population have been inoculated.
Within Novō, despite the very real challenges of these days, it’s been a season of encouragement and progress, as we seek to “press on” together.
At the end of March, we were visited by the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime (UNODC) Representative in Bolivia, Thierry Rostan, and his team. The UNODC is sponsoring the introduction of international standards for addiction care in Bolivia and made their visit in that context. The feedback we received was a great encouragement to the whole team, highlighting the fact that we are considered to be a model programme and centre of excellence here.
Reflecting on his visit, one of the UNODC team wrote: “During the visit to the Novō centre, a therapeutic community that works providing care for people with drug use problems, I was impressed by the fact that a very important work is being carried out, by a team that is committed to continually improving the quality of care that is provided.”
The visit also led to a new relationship with a local medical centre that will now deliver free healthcare to most of our residents and volunteers. The relationship with the UNODC continues and we look forward to seeing where it leads. Please pray for the success of the UNODC’s initiative, and that God would continue to open doors for Novō to be a blessing to those seeking freedom from addiction.
We’ve made some important changes to the Novō programme. We’ve decided to increase the time residents spend in recovery groups together. During these times, residents share their autobiographies, relapse prevention plans, and other individual projects with one another, and explore a whole range of subjects, such as emotions, triggers to relapse, prayer, taking personal moral inventory, and setting goals.
We’ve also divided our residential programme into two distinct programmes, rather than seeing it as one programme with two stages. The first programme is a 6-month THERAPEUTIC programme, during which residents address the past and prepare for the future, staying for the most part within the security of the Novō community of staff and residents. The second programme is a 3-month TRANSITION programme, during which the focus is on ‘putting into practice’ learning and growth from the recovery programme and establishing relationships in the community. Our purpose in making these adjustments is to recognize that whilst most men will benefit from the TRANSITION programme, some have good support in the community (close family, a supportive church, employment) and can graduate with their heads held high, with a celebration, not feeling like they left prematurely.
There are currently 12 men on the programme, with two – Jose Luis and Huascar – close to completing. These will be the first programme completions of men who joined Novō since we re-opened our doors to new residents again in September. Despite the bottleneck created by a 7-day quarantine at the start of the programme, we hope to be full again soon!
Day in, day out, the team at Quinta Totaices faithfully extend love and grace to our residents – to men who, having reached the end of themselves, are crying out to God for His rescue, His strength, His peace, His future. Please pray for the whole the team, that they would know the fullness of God in their own lives, and that God’s Spirit would move powerfully – decisively – in each of our residents.
Support for Novō comes in all shapes and sizes! A few weeks back we were blessed and inspired by the generosity of Lidio, a local pastor, who sells fruit from boot of his car, who surprised us with a donation of fresh fruit.
Whether you support us in kind, in prayer, with finances, by encouragement, or by telling others about us, we want to say a big thank you to your or your kindness and generosity. Without it, there would be no Novō.
If you’re in a position to make a gift to Novō at this time, or to begin supporting the work with a monthly gift, all the information you need to donate is below.
If you haven't seen it already, please take a look at our latest promo video. You'll meet some of the team, see around Quinta Totaices, and hear from ex-resident, Freddy.
Watch PromoAt the end of April, Novō Adventures took delivery of its fleet of new Royal Enfield Himalayan motorcycles and we’re ready to hit the road again! There are lots of encouraging signs, with tours pencilled in for Autumn 2021 and 2022, but for things to start really moving we need, of course, for COVID restrictions to lift.
Check out novoadventures.com and please get in touch if, once COVID permits, you’d like to join a tour or begin planning a trip for you and a group of friends. We offer a discounted rate to financial supporters of Novō Communities and to group organizers. Also, don’t hesitate to tell your motorcyclist friends about Novō Adventures!
If you’d like to read more about what we’re up to on the Novō Adventures side, you can read the second of our twice-yearly updates here: Novō Adventures Update – May 2021
To follow Novō Adventures on social media:
8 Dec 2022
It’s been another full quarter for Novō! We’re so thankful to each of you…
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Novo’s vision is to bring new life to individuals, peace to families, and hope…
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